

高钾血症(HK),或血液中钾含量升高1是心肾病人的常见病.2 不及时治疗, HK can result in significant and potentially life-threatening cardiovascular (CV) complications, 包括严重的心律失常和严重的心脏骤停. 1,3-4

In 2021, we set out to better understand the global state of HK management for people living with chronic 肾脏 disease (CKD) and heart failure (HF). 这些努力导致了全球高血钾状况的调查, 哪个字段是1,000名CKD和HK患者, 以及五个国家的500家医疗保健提供者(HCPs).5

The survey results showed that about two-thirds of CKD (n=654) and HF (n=233) patients do not know that HK is a potential complication of their condition(s) and have poor recognition of common symptoms of the disease.5 This lack of awareness among patients could lead to potentially devastating impacts for some of those living with CKD or HF.

This global survey along with more recent studies show that there is still a serious need to improve hyperkalaemia care options for cardio肾 patients, 特别是那些正在接受RAASi治疗的人.7-8

High prevalence and significant burden of hyperkalaemia among cardio肾 patients

CKD和HF患者经常出现HK.2,6 Recent studies emphasise the unmet need in managing HK in this population because the condition is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.7

A common approach to HK treatment involves having patients adhere to a low-potassium diet. Dietary modifications alone, however, are often an insufficient way to manage HK in CKD patients. A real-world evidence study revealed that over half of patients (n=2,048) with HK and stages 3-4 CKD experienced recurrent HK within six months due to the lack of successful interventions.*,9

Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASi) therapy can be used to reduce mortality risk in HF patients and slow CKD progression while lowering cardiovascular (CV) events in CKD patients.7 RAASi therapy in patients with CKD is also linked with an increased risk of hyperkalemia.8 A HK 诊断, however, often leads to the down-titration of RAASi therapy. 指南建议使用最高耐受RAASi剂量, but most cardio肾 patients do not re-initiate RAASi after a HK event. 最近的数据显示,只有10-15%的美国患者(n=25,963例)和6-8%的日本患者(8,722)在事件发生的六个月内重新开始治疗. 积极主动是至关重要的, 管理香港的整体方案, which is why we’re diligently working to help ensure RAASi therapy can be maintained.10

Optimising care to unlock a better future for patients with hyperkalemia

在2023年欧洲肾脏协会大会期间, 路德浮标, 执行副总裁, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐事业部, 澳门在线赌城娱乐, 探讨改善香港病人护理选择的需要. He noted “Failing to achieve guideline-directed RAASi therapy can have serious consequences for cardio肾 patients, yet recent studies highlight how rarely these patients resume treatment following hyperkalaemia-related discontinuation, and the urgent need for practice change in hyperkalaemia management to enable this. We’re committed to supporting the management of hyperkalaemia and working with the healthcare community more broadly to help deliver better cardio肾 care for patients.”

Unlocking a better future for people with HK involves working with healthcare professionals, 患者权益团体, 政府和决策者. This collaboration can improve access to healthcare and transform the detection, 诊断, 治疗HK等心血管及代谢性疾病.

澳门在线赌城娱乐, we’re working to transform outcomes for the millions of people living with the complexities of CV, 肾, 代谢性疾病(CVRM), 强调它们的相互联系, 包括高钾血症. Early detection and care are critical to improve patient outcomes and reduce the burden of CVRM diseases and their related risks and complications for patients, 卫生保健系统, 社会, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的星球.



1.  国家肾脏基金会. 什么是高钾血症? [引自2023年6月26日]. 可从:URL: http://www.肾脏.org/atoz/content/what-hyperkalemia

2.  Thomsen RW等. 肾盘移植. 2018;33(9):1610-1620;

3.  Vallentin MF, Povlsen AL, Granfeldt A, Terkelsen CJ, Andersen LW. Effect of calcium in patients with pulseless electrical activity and electrocardiographic characteristics potentially associated with hyperkalemia and ischemia-sub-study of the Calcium for Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest (COCA) trial. 复苏. 2022;181:150-157.

4.  Rossignol P, Legrand M, Kosiborod M,等. Emergency management of severe hyperkalaemia: guideline for best practice and opportunities for the future. 杂志Res. 2016; 113 (pt): 585 - 591. doi: 10.1016/j.phr.2016.09.039

5.  Global State of Hyperkalaemia Survey Key Findings, REF-129958, 澳门在线赌城娱乐 Pharmaceuticals LP. Veeva ID: Z4-38799. 筹备日期:2021年10月 

6.  Furuland H,等. 中国生物医学工程学报,2018;19 (2):211. PMID: 30134846

7.  李建平,李建平,李建平,等. Clinical impact of suboptimal RAASi therapy following an episode of hyperkalemia. BMC Nephrol. 2023;24(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s12882-022-03054-5

8.  Santoro A等人. Association between hyperkalemia, RAASi non-adherence and outcomes in chronic 肾脏 disease. J Nephrol. 2022;35(2):463-472. doi: 10.1007/s40620-021-01070-6

9.  文件数据,REF-178557, AZPLP

10. Kanda E等. Suboptimal Extent of RAASi Re-Initiation After Discontinuation Following Hyperkalemia: an Observational Study of Cardio肾 Patients in US and Japan. Presented at: ERA 2023 Congress; 2023 June 15-18; Milan, Italy.

Veeva ID: Z4-55463


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