
Being determined to make the right choices to win plays out in our culture of lifelong learning. Where our people are empowered to develop their knowledge and skills to grow their potential and deliver life-changing medicines to patients.

Delivering life-changing medicines to patients now and in the future requires continuous innovation. We’re dedicated to a culture of lifelong learning across our company so that we can make that happen.

对于在澳门在线赌城娱乐工作的人来说,这是什么样子? It’s every employee having access to a wealth of learning opportunities in their career so we can strengthen and evolve our capabilities every day. We’ve invested in a wealth of development offerings and world-class technology and tools to make learning easy, 可访问并根据澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的需求量身定制, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐称之为degree的数字化学习体验平台.

Having the right tools is only half of the journey to developing ourselves as individuals. It takes curious minds and a thirst for knowledge to drive growth and our Values and behaviours guide us along the way. One of our behaviours under our Value of ‘We play to win’ is that we are determined to make the right choices to win. We spoke to two colleagues about how they’ve lived this behaviour to see a huge impact for their professional growth. 他们是这么说的.


苏珊法卡斯’s 21-year career at AstraZeneca has been what she describes as a ‘typical growing up story’ with ‘lots of learning on the job.

现为美国地区支付者高级主管, Susan has had a range of roles in the company since joining straight from college. 来自销售代表, 分析师, to Regional Sales Director leading around 100 reps and later progressing to Executive Business Director and National Account Director.

文化 & 能力总监-全球采购

Nicola总部位于Macclesfield,在澳门在线赌城娱乐工作了15年. 目前为全球采购部门的文化和能力总监提供支持, 在进入人力资源部门之前,尼古拉的职业生涯是从生物化学家开始的. 尼古拉说,接触到科学领域的角色, 人力资源和采购总是让工作感觉新鲜和不同, 有很多学习的机会.


苏珊: We are encouraged to take smart risks and make the right choices to win which is how we learn and it’s what leads to innovation. We’re also encouraged to have a voice, speak up, share thinking, and challenge the status quo. 我喜欢澳门第一赌城在线娱乐有快速失败的空间,并从经过计算的风险中学习. 这就是澳门在线赌城娱乐的文化,它是由高层领导的.

尼科拉: There’s real a commitment from everyone at this organisation to embed learning into daily activities. Learning isn’t just about going to a training course; learning comes from experiences too.  We’ve had a big culture and mindset shift where we see learning in everything we do. 它是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐日常生活中不可或缺的一部分.

We value learning from failure as well – carving out time to acknowledge and learn from things that haven’t worked. 这有助于澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在明智地冒险时感到更自在.


苏珊: We have an online learning platform called Degreed which gives us the power and flexibility to learn in our own way. It provides access to world-class external resources and even pushes recommended content that is directly relevant to our skills and learning history. 它帮助澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与其他学习者建立联系, 跟同事, 以及思想领袖, 以及分享澳门第一赌城在线娱乐自己的学习历程.

We enjoy a culture of organic development – things that are discussed between us and our managers, 哪些与澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的发展计划有关, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐有能力做出正确的选择来推动澳门第一赌城在线娱乐自己.

尼科拉: 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐不需要等待许可. 在澳门在线赌城娱乐,好奇心被灌输给员工,这一点我很喜欢! I’ve found opportunities for development, asked for them and have been supported. 举个例子, I received funding to get my Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) qualification when I joined HR. 我最初是一名生物化学家,但现在我有了一个完全不同的职业, so making the right choices to be proactive about my development has been a game-changer for me. 我把每一次经历都看作是一次学习的机会.

How can we apply being determined to make the right choices to win when it comes to learning?

苏珊: 我仍然记得一位同事曾经对我说过的话, ‘there are two things that change your life - the people you meet and the books you read.’ The way I see it, our learning platform, Degreed is the modern-day version of those books. It’s offering digital learning opportunities – we just need to make the right choices to seize those opportunities. Degreed complements our culture of innovation and reinforces that we don’t have all the answers - we are all learning every day. It provides us with a platform to help us find those answers through shared perspectives and experiences.

尼科拉: Unless we’re determined to make the right choices to learn and continuously evolve, 适应和创新, we won’t fulfil our purpose - to push the boundaries of science to deliver life-changing medicines. Learning is something we need to do continually - that’s how we constantly stay ahead of the game and find new opportunities. 这就是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐创新的方式.



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